Surprise, surprise!~ At 6.13am hari ni, guess who texted me? Yes3, Mr Muffin!!!~
What a gud surprise, eyh? Hahaha. I got a wake up text!!! Sumpah mcm hepy gler! It really made my day. It was nice to know that he too miss me like I did. And it was great to know that once in a while he too, think of me like I did. Waaahhhhh, bestnye! Sweet seyh die. Thanks Muffin, u really made my day. :D
Tp I have this thought that runs in my mind since yesterday. Since that time yg Phat shoots the question. Die ckap, "Does Zul knows u were like this? That u were crazy abt him?" And I cant give her the right answer. Speechless trus aku, x reti nk jwap cmne. So aku ckap jela, "Die tau...kot." Haha random! Tp ntah la wei, mcm ye mcm x. Rsenye die xtau kot. Xpela I guess, ade ade xde xpe.
Then, why is that when I met mummy Phat n her BFF semalam they were like, 'yes2, Kimi needs someone like u', 'let's see what's Kimi will do next'. Haha, stuff like that. N then Phat's mum tell me when I salam her, 'I dont mind who Kimi chooses, I'm fine with his choice.' N then she gave me a warm hug. Adehhh, xkan la dorg get the wrong idea abt me and Kimi. I mean, abang is a nice person, very charming indeed. Tp xkan la kot. For heaven's sake, he's my bestfriend older brother kot! Xkn la. Abang Phat mcm abg aku gak la kn? So ye r.
Gler la, they got all the wrong idea. Btw, bile laaaa the exact date nk trun JB lg ni ea...Rindu ni!
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