Now, for the real post. Hahaha ye ye je kn? Semangat xhengat, membara2 ibarat api. Eh jap, mende aku mengarut ni?! Sengal die ni~
Awat hari ni panaih ngat no? gila, xlarat aku nk mandi balik2 haih. Ni malam ni pn ntah bpe kali dh aku mandi. Dunia mmg btul2 nk kiamat ke atau just a mere global warming? I wish, both neither!!! I got sooo many damn freaking things I wanna do and please3 Tuhan, let this world lasts a little bit longer. Sounds a little bit serious huh? Guess I AM in a serious mode right this moment. Tibe2 je. Random much? LOL. I am a VERY random person, so far. That's what I think.
Lately in my head, there's this song, or shall I say melody, kept playing over n over n over again. It's like main lagu kt windows media player pas2 bg repeat blik2. Tp the thing is, xtau lagu ape. It's like, all the wires, all the neurons, all the transmitters inside my brain sedang jalan2, sambung2 between each other, langgar sini langgar sne n thus create the sound. Haha, mcm psycho je. Xkn la kot blh dgr bnde2 2 sume crashing between each other kn? This is what you will be kalau study psychology lebih2 sgt. Hahaha
Td pukul 8++pm mcm 2 pegi pasar malam. My favourite activity. Best g p.malam. Sbb die alive. Penuh dgn manusia. Kiri kanan depan belakang sume ade. Kalau nk tgk what life really is, then for me pasar malam is the place. Sume ade. You can see struggle, hypocrites, happiness, joy, tears, sweats, hope and love...Mostly everything that shapes us. Paling best ialah dpat tgk LIFE. Kehidupan. Mcm2 variasi hidup. Kalau teliti lebih dalam, akn dtg keinsafan. Yg baik amik jd rutin hidup, yg cm haram bt dek je. Stop and stare sudehhh.
Since hari ni aura serious-ness 2 lg berat dr aura main2, so aktiviti 'hot-guy-butt-checking' x dijalankn. Mmg nmpak mcm agak byk potential hot arses yg blh d'check-out' tp xde mood r. Rsenye sbb Phat xde kot? Hahaha. Owh yes, td mse nk kuar umah nk g 2 bru aku perasan yg aku xtgk cermin lgsg! Kuar mcm 2 je. For the first time in my entire 'adulthood' ni aku kuar umah xtgk cermin!!! Ni kalau blh masuk Guinness' Book of Record ni, popular dh aku. But owh well, dlam2 xtgk cermin 2, a head-turner will always be a head-turner. Hahaha, koya syial aku ni! Rse2nye la kn ngan muke serabai cmtu bpe la agak2 org ingt muka aku ni ea? 18? 21? 25? 30? OMG, RANDOMNYE SAYA!!!~ Mengarut sokmo die ni. Hampir sejam kt pasar malam n tawaf pasar malam tu 2,3 kali aku pn balik la. Check2 purse, rm40 melayang! Adoyai, pasar malam je pn kot 2. Boros pnye pmpuan, pasar malam pn jd ko nk shopping ea. Gler la aku ni! Ntah ape jela yg aku beli smpai habis byk 2. Xde beli makan pn, makanan yg bwak balik ni pn dpat free je((advantage of being a woman, u got free stuffs everywhere anywhere anytime! :D))
Pas2 de beli like a small pouch tuk simpan fon ni, tp cm x menarik la. Anyhow, beli gak. N abg 2 blh plak tnye fon aku ori x ori! Tsirap darah aku kejap td. Harusss la ori bang, x main la recon2 ni. Then Aman lak pesan suh beli belt kepala superman 2. Duit aku lg! Sengal, awak nk pakai belt 2 ble nye? G skolah bukan blh gne pn. Melayang lg rm10. Xblh jdik ni, lain kali g pasar malam xleh bwak dt byk2, rm5 cukup!
Hari ni, as in 16/5/2010, dh like seminggu lambat period from the last date. Ni yg aku xsuke lmbat2 ni, konfem2 mood swing truk gler. Ade je kang yg kne fire ni. Kalau de scientist nk bt research sal woman's pnye mood swing b4, sedang and after period, then aku pnye reading mesti cm harem. Trun naik trun naik. Bile2 je blh btukar ni. Jap jd Sailormoon, jap jd Mamoru. Hehehe, random much?
Owh yes, td mse nk kuar kete blik dr pasar malam tanpa aku sedari, n ntah mcm mne, my Baby ni tjatuh ats floor front porch 2. Aduuuuuhhhhh, terstop jap jantung aku. ~Sorry baby, mummy x sengaje tjatuhkn baby. Sorry k syg~
Hari ni dh 16/5...Literally like 4 days lg Nightmare on Elm Street nk kuar!!! Mesti, wajib, harus g tgk! Aku die hard fan Freddy Krueger kot, since tgk cte die 6,7 tahun lepas. So this upcoming movie is highly anticipated!!!~ One two Freddy comes for u, three four better lock your door...~
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