Saturday, May 29, 2010

This is too much!

Alamak, mcm mne nk bt ni? Gler rindu. Hadoi. Arggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!~ Apa mau bikin ni, tgk kiri tgk kanan kalih depan kalih blakang asyik nk dok tringat je ngan mamat sorg 2. Bangun pagi2 pn ingat die dlu. Gler angau aku ni kn? Ntah spell Harry Potter yg mne satu tah die gne kt aku ni...Naik sosak dado den ni rindu2 ngan dio ha!

Tp itu olang sikalang pigi sana Perak, ala lia munya cousin tunang. Lg la sy lindu sama lia. Wa talak suka ini mcm wo, manyak lindu. Itu dalam hati juga manyak lisau sama lia, nnti ada olang rain jatuh cinta sama lia, wa jugak yg susah wo. Itu olang manyak baik, susah mau calik wo. Itu pasal la wa kena jaga lia btul2. Walaupn itu olang kadang2 manyak songeh, sangat mengade2. Sampai wa lase mau cubit lia manyak2. ((Padan muka hang!))

Adeh, penat aku nk kena taip mcm pompuan xbtui haih!~ Haha, sumpah sengal. Pelik gler dowh, ble dekat mcm2 songeh...asyik nk mengade2 je ngan die. skali dh jauh bru padan muka aku yg HOT ni. Hot la sgt kn...hahahaha. dh jauh pndai lak nk rindu2 bagai. Adoyai...
Owh yes, tbe2 tringat stu qoute yg aku dgr time tgk tv pagi2 hari 2. smpai skrg asyik dok melekat dlam kepala hotak ni ha. "Kamu kadangkala menjengkelkan, tp seringkali membahagiakan." Gler smart ayat die kn? Meaning pn blh tahan...Kne dowh qoute ni, ngan Typo 2 la spe lg. Kadang2 rse die 2 cm annoying gler sbb asyik bahan aku je, blh joint venture ngan budak kcik 2 lg bahan gf sndiri. Hadoi. Tp slalunye die mmg sorg yg best, n he always makes me happy!!!~ (Though he is a little bit boring at times, and he knows that he is too~!) Hehehehehe. Tp satu hari x kne bahan ngan cik abg 2 rse cm x complete lak hari sy...Apekah?
Adeh, ni dok tulis2 lagu ni ni, harus la aku kne bahan ngan bdak kcik n Typo 2 pas dorg bce post ni. Konfem pnye la, dh tau sgt dh. Tp lantak korg la, yg sy tau...SAYA SAYANG ZULHILMI SY! =)

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Phewww, i havent post anything in 3 days!!~ feels like ages! miss u my bloggie!
I'm going to Johore tomorrow!!! Yeay me!!!~ Tp Phat plan nk g camping trus mcm bpak die suh...alaaaaaaaa, postpone lg la nk g jmpe my muffin ni...Uwaaaa, aku dh excited gler dh pn kot ni!~
Hadoi, dh tarak idea nk tulis pe. Lets pray everything's gonna be fine tomorrow, aite? Tuhan, please protect us from all harms and dangers so that i will get the chance to meet my Typo 2 nnti. Please3 God, cepat2kn la mse camp kt Air Papan nnti so blh blik JB pronto!~ Hehehe.
Lepas ni nk kne packing brg2 plak dh. Sumpah malas nk packing2 ni, serabut hotak aku! Haish~ Bnde ni la yg plg xbest skali ble nk g travel mne2. Sbb ble packing de je brg yg x ckup n x jmpe, blh spoil mood. Trus dh kureng ke-excited-an nk g holiday 2. Ikut hati ni nk je g sehelai sepinggang. Some girl u are! Pfft~
Dh la, dh la. Nk start packing brg dh ni. 8days in Johore, bwak 2 bags je ckup kot no? Laptop nk kne bwak gak ke ea? Lau fb thru fon je xbest sbb xleh main petville...Hmm, ckup kot 2 bags 2. Shoes nk kne bwak ke ea? Err, heels de nk kne gne ke? Bwak wedges bese2 jela. Arggghhh, stress tul bab2 packing macking ni!!! K la, stop dlu la smpai cni. Toodles~
Dear Bloggie,
I'm sorry if not able to update u
in a while
Coz I'll be away
Try not to miss me that much
As u will always be in my mind.
I'll get back to u
as soon as possible,
and hopefully can bring you
some good news.
Annyeong Bloggie!~

Saturday, May 15, 2010

1 2 3 4

1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4
Give me more lovin' than I've ever had
Make it all better when I'm feelin' sad
Tell me that I'm special even when I know I'm not
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Barely gettin' mad, I'm so glad I found you
I love bein' around you
You make it easy, it's as easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4
There's only one thing to do
Three words for you I love you
There's only one way to say
Those three words and that's what I'll do, I love you
Give me more lovin' from the very start
Piece me back together when I fall apart
Tell me things you never even tell your closest friends
Make me feel good when I hurt so bad
Best that I've had,
I'm so glad that I found you
I love bein' around you
You make it easy, it's as easy as 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4
There's only one thing to do
Three words for you I love you
There's only one way to say
Those three words and that's what I'll do,
I love you
I love you
(Plain White T's ~ 1234 I Love You)
The most significant song right at this moment. Owh well. This one's for you Muffin! Cheers~

Pasar Malam :)

Now, for the real post. Hahaha ye ye je kn? Semangat xhengat, membara2 ibarat api. Eh jap, mende aku mengarut ni?! Sengal die ni~
Awat hari ni panaih ngat no? gila, xlarat aku nk mandi balik2 haih. Ni malam ni pn ntah bpe kali dh aku mandi. Dunia mmg btul2 nk kiamat ke atau just a mere global warming? I wish, both neither!!! I got sooo many damn freaking things I wanna do and please3 Tuhan, let this world lasts a little bit longer. Sounds a little bit serious huh? Guess I AM in a serious mode right this moment. Tibe2 je. Random much? LOL. I am a VERY random person, so far. That's what I think.
Lately in my head, there's this song, or shall I say melody, kept playing over n over n over again. It's like main lagu kt windows media player pas2 bg repeat blik2. Tp the thing is, xtau lagu ape. It's like, all the wires, all the neurons, all the transmitters inside my brain sedang jalan2, sambung2 between each other, langgar sini langgar sne n thus create the sound. Haha, mcm psycho je. Xkn la kot blh dgr bnde2 2 sume crashing between each other kn? This is what you will be kalau study psychology lebih2 sgt. Hahaha
Td pukul 8++pm mcm 2 pegi pasar malam. My favourite activity. Best g p.malam. Sbb die alive. Penuh dgn manusia. Kiri kanan depan belakang sume ade. Kalau nk tgk what life really is, then for me pasar malam is the place. Sume ade. You can see struggle, hypocrites, happiness, joy, tears, sweats, hope and love...Mostly everything that shapes us. Paling best ialah dpat tgk LIFE. Kehidupan. Mcm2 variasi hidup. Kalau teliti lebih dalam, akn dtg keinsafan. Yg baik amik jd rutin hidup, yg cm haram bt dek je. Stop and stare sudehhh.
Since hari ni aura serious-ness 2 lg berat dr aura main2, so aktiviti 'hot-guy-butt-checking' x dijalankn. Mmg nmpak mcm agak byk potential hot arses yg blh d'check-out' tp xde mood r. Rsenye sbb Phat xde kot? Hahaha. Owh yes, td mse nk kuar umah nk g 2 bru aku perasan yg aku xtgk cermin lgsg! Kuar mcm 2 je. For the first time in my entire 'adulthood' ni aku kuar umah xtgk cermin!!! Ni kalau blh masuk Guinness' Book of Record ni, popular dh aku. But owh well, dlam2 xtgk cermin 2, a head-turner will always be a head-turner. Hahaha, koya syial aku ni! Rse2nye la kn ngan muke serabai cmtu bpe la agak2 org ingt muka aku ni ea? 18? 21? 25? 30? OMG, RANDOMNYE SAYA!!!~ Mengarut sokmo die ni. Hampir sejam kt pasar malam n tawaf pasar malam tu 2,3 kali aku pn balik la. Check2 purse, rm40 melayang! Adoyai, pasar malam je pn kot 2. Boros pnye pmpuan, pasar malam pn jd ko nk shopping ea. Gler la aku ni! Ntah ape jela yg aku beli smpai habis byk 2. Xde beli makan pn, makanan yg bwak balik ni pn dpat free je((advantage of being a woman, u got free stuffs everywhere anywhere anytime! :D))
Pas2 de beli like a small pouch tuk simpan fon ni, tp cm x menarik la. Anyhow, beli gak. N abg 2 blh plak tnye fon aku ori x ori! Tsirap darah aku kejap td. Harusss la ori bang, x main la recon2 ni. Then Aman lak pesan suh beli belt kepala superman 2. Duit aku lg! Sengal, awak nk pakai belt 2 ble nye? G skolah bukan blh gne pn. Melayang lg rm10. Xblh jdik ni, lain kali g pasar malam xleh bwak dt byk2, rm5 cukup!
Hari ni, as in 16/5/2010, dh like seminggu lambat period from the last date. Ni yg aku xsuke lmbat2 ni, konfem2 mood swing truk gler. Ade je kang yg kne fire ni. Kalau de scientist nk bt research sal woman's pnye mood swing b4, sedang and after period, then aku pnye reading mesti cm harem. Trun naik trun naik. Bile2 je blh btukar ni. Jap jd Sailormoon, jap jd Mamoru. Hehehe, random much?
Owh yes, td mse nk kuar kete blik dr pasar malam tanpa aku sedari, n ntah mcm mne, my Baby ni tjatuh ats floor front porch 2. Aduuuuuhhhhh, terstop jap jantung aku. ~Sorry baby, mummy x sengaje tjatuhkn baby. Sorry k syg~
Hari ni dh 16/5...Literally like 4 days lg Nightmare on Elm Street nk kuar!!! Mesti, wajib, harus g tgk! Aku die hard fan Freddy Krueger kot, since tgk cte die 6,7 tahun lepas. So this upcoming movie is highly anticipated!!!~ One two Freddy comes for u, three four better lock your door...~

My new baby - X6!!!~

Nokia X6 in the house!!!~ Yeay, mama bought me a new phone! Dr ngah bad mood xckup tdo ptg semalam ((14/5/2010)) trus hilg ngantok aku...Cm sial perangai~ Ye r, mau x melompat aku, dh bpe lme dh mengidam nk phone bru...And, and, and...I'm gonna call her baby!~ Aww sweet baby, mummy loves u sooo much~ Mau x syg, agak byk ringgit guna woo...Nk xnk kne jge elok2 la, lau jdik pape haram la dorg nk beli bru dlam mse tdekat nk kn? Heee~ Best2.
N since die touch screen, so time call 2 agak senang nk ter'touch' pape la...yg Typo 2 lak asyik menghanjeng aku je. Adehhh, nsib baik jauh, dekat td siap la!~ ;P

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Que sera sera~

Phewww, finally korean drama 2 dh hbis tgk!!! Wahhh, yg xbestnye, part2 sedih air mata ni xkuar lak. Sbb malam awai lg kot no, slalu tgk dkat2 nk subuh...Haha~
This one song got stucked in my head the WHOLEEEE day, n trust me it annoys me at the very most; though it's quite a lovely song. ~~I will never let you fall...~~ Tgk 2, nyanyi lg!
Yeay, next week plan cuti kt JB!!! Hmmm, mintak2 ler babah bg g...Nsib baik mummy phat nk kawtim ngan ktorg. Haha caya la aunty!!! The three of us, me Phat n Anna that is, plan nk g outdoor camping. Just the three of us. But really, I'm quite not in favor of this little idea. Cm takut je, dh la sume pompuan. Adehhh, choi choi choi!~ But seriously! Xbpe bkenan sgt ngan the 'all girls' rule 2, tp sgt bkenan ngan adventure2 n ke-crazy-ness yg bakal jadik...Heeee~
Ym ngan my syg bcuk 2 was fun. Haih, miss la kt my sweet little muffin 2. Tp die ade 'bf' baru!!! Ko la 2 didie!!!~ Hahaha. Kuar sokmo ngan bf 2. Hmmmm, rindu lg. Rindu lg~
Hari ni blik2 umah ntah ape la angin org tua 2. Masak kari ikan lak for our dinner. Well I was shocked with the sudden mood change, tp lyan kn jela. Mama pn ok je, so maleh la nk interview lebih2...
Owh yes, I ALMOST got myself KILL td ptg mse blik! I was sooo fucking sleepy. N so I told mama. And she did nothing, so I assumed she's tired and i'll continue driving the car. But then, I literally terlelap while driving. Ape lg, melelong la kete msuk the other lane yg ade upcoming car. Sedar2 je mama dh teriak 'Nabilaaaaaa!!!'. Then She tarik the stering ke kiri n then our car like melelong ke kiri la. Literally mcm tpusing kete ktorg. Luckily the two cars yg I almost crash into 2 dpat elak and there's no car depan belakang. Lau x lg nahas. She was sooo panic that she rebut the stering form which I hold on tightly to. Sakit wrist kiri ni ha, a little bruises even! and then she goes on n on n on abt this n that, nagging gler2. n I was pissed my arse off! We had a fight even, which I yelled at her asking her to shut up. I mean, yup that was my fault, but bnde dh jdik n we both pn xde pape. So cut the damn nag la. Coz hey, I were shocked n scared as u r yourself! Can u please like wait till I'm sane again then only I can think straight n offer a polite apology. Ni tak nk membebel2 je tau! Though I feel guilty after that. Hmmm, que sera sera, so chill je la!Sleeping time!!!!!
사랑 해요, 타이바-씨!!!!!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Life. Saying the word is hard enough, let alone living it. I'm just sooo fucking tired of everything. When life starts to treat you a little better, there's always this one small stupid single thing that spoiled alllll the fun.

Gosh, I never get tired of smiling. I had this smile for like forever. But I was totally worn out by myself when I frowned, not even for an hour. Why does it so hard to frown, be sad and look sad? I guess I'm just not used to it. I am sooo hating this kinda emotion you see, when all you ever want are screaming, crying and cursing. But nothing came out. Except the laughs. And the smiles.

C'est La Vie~


Hey dad look at me
Think back and talk to me
Did I grow up according to plan?
And do you think
I'm wasting my time doing things I wanna do?
'Cuz it hurts when you disapprove all along
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't pretend that
I'm alright
And you can't change me
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spend with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore
And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Nothing's gonna change the things that you said
Nothing's gonna make this right again
Please don't turn your back
I can't believe it's hard
Just to talk to you
But you don't understand
'Cuz we lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry I can't be perfect

Monday, May 10, 2010


Hari ini dalam sejarah. Teng teng teng teng~~~ Background music yg ala2 kt dlam tv 2...

Hari ini sy g Pavilion, tgk wyg. Dak2 dip ajak g, to be exact Sean la yg invite. Pas2 rse cm awkward sbb lme xlepak sme2 aku pn bwak la Phat 2...Pheww, nsib baik dorg change plan, Xjd g main ice skating...Lau x usah dkenang ler cuak aku ni...Hehehehe. Agak best la jgk movie td, "The Losers". Klakar xhengat, pas2 bab2 bunuh2 n meletup2 die 2 mmg smart siak! Not to mention sume actors die smokin hot lak 2. Not to mention the muscles!!! All the biceps n stuffs. Phewww, mind blowing btul. Gler hot kn. Hehehe :)

Asal la ea hari ni asyik nk marah2 je. Sng gler nk pissed off. There's always a thing yg x puas hati. PMS kot no? Yela kot 2.

Ah 2 jela kot kn for today. I'm wondering eh, where the heck la Mr Typo is? Didnt reply my text pn...Tidoq kot no? Ke angin senggugut die dtg blik? Adehhh, mmg mntak kne sembelih bt lauk kari Thai la lau cmtu...Nk g layan vid Anas Tahir kt youtube jap, boring ni~

Sunday, May 09, 2010

World's Forgetfulness Day.

Mmg fucked up syial. Babi tul la, haram jadah tul! Arggghhhhhhhh, bengang tahap petala langit ke 12juta! Charger fon ttinggal lak kt umah maktam. Sial la, cmne la leh lpe. Dh la charger 2 one of a kind, satu keje lak aku nk keliling umah ni crik charger cm2. Adehhhh sumpah bengang syial.

Asal la hari ni asyik nk mengamuk je ni, aku pn heran. Pagi2 lg dh baran dh, blh plak misplaced spek. Skali crik2 bwah katil, ntah cmne jadah tah die blh end up kt ctu. adehhh, pagi2 dh fucked up. Lau ikut kepala gler ni, rse nakkkk je fire sume org. Nsib baik sane lg otak ni. Pas2 skali malam ni lak bru perasan charger tlpe nk bwak blik. Pantek tul la, bengang nye la aku. Angin stu bdan ni. BAAABBBBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!

Dh la MU x menang td kalah ngan Chelsea, tp ni xde la kisah sgt. X menyumbang pertambahan angin kemarahan aku pn, tp sbg peminat setia Alex Ferguson yg bakal jdik laki aku nnti, frust 2 ade la ckit...Lantak ler kome, nsib baik xyah bkak bju cm yg Mr Typo 2 ckap.

Pas2 dh la xdpat g event kt unikop td. Dh la dak2 2 hari last kt sne. Pasni xtau la ble lak nk jmpe. Besar pnye musibat hari ni dowh! Sumpah aku geram xdpat g bbq dorg td. Rse nk nangis je tp cm xmacho la plak kn. Haih~ Nothing is working the way they supposed to be. Cm kimak je!~

Saturday, May 08, 2010

Hari Yang Penat @_@

Saturday!!! Aku bangkit tdo sgt lambat hari ni, 10.30am...Hehehe, nsib baik mama ngan babah xde kt umah...lau x, harapan la aku nk bgn lmbat cmni...Tp mama n babah xde umah means; aku kne masaaakkk!!!~ Dh la mood nk msak xde ni, maleh nye la haih...Semalam sgt seronok, had a great time ym with my muffin. Maleh ler nk tulis detail2, sbb nk privacy ckit. Haha, nk simpan these memories baik2 dlam otak yg bkarat ni...

Bgn2 je trus g mandi ((chewahhh)) pas2 trus trun nk tgk kne bt pape yg ptut...Hmm, sgt byk!~ Sumpah mcm xnk bt je, malas dowh~ Tp xpe r, smbil2 nk msak nsik 2 tgk cte Korea 2, Scandal In Old Seoul tajuk die. Perghhh, smart r cte 2!~ Sbb dr kul 11, ke pkul 11.30, ke pukul 12 bru la nsik 2 bru nk kne msak. Hehehehe, cannot resist the temptation of Korean drama dowh!!! Gler cute kn cte 2. Pompuan 2 cm ignore2 je mamat yg die suke ni, skali mamat 2 dpat jmpe die trus tarik pompuan 2, trus kiss!!! Amik ko, kn dh kne kiss sejibik. Waaahhhhhh, best2!!! Hahahaha, gler cute kn. Argghhh, cute sgt3~ Sempat la aku berangan jd pompuan 2 jap kn. Hehe, cm hape je perangai...

Ok2 pas2 dh msak, kemas umah n pe jadah lg la yg aku bt td, naik2 bilik je trus tetdo syial. Penat sgt ni, sian die...hahaha. pas2 kul 5pm+++ td mama kejut suh siap2 nk g Puchong. Aaaa, malas. Dh la hujan, lyan tdo ni syok ni. Tp xpe, demi utk menyambut kekasih hati yg sgt dirindui yg akn smpai dr Aussie malam ni, aku sangguppppp!!! Adik, kak ila rindu adik!!!

Malam ni tdo umah maktam sbb bsok nk bt birthday party utk sy punye kekasih hati itu. Yeay, adik dh 4thun! Lg 16thun lg dh blh kawin ngan kak ila~ Hehehe. Tp mesti sok lg penat kn? Play nice belle, play nice. Mntak2 la sok xde sedara2 talam 18muka yg dtg. Lau x penat aku pn kne jd talam gak. Why la u r sooo fucking nice ni bell, perlu ke ea nk jge hati sume org? Hmmm, yup I say perlu! That's just my nature u see, that's the way I am. And I'm proud of it!!!~

Toodles la dlu, nk mandi. Pas2 nk g pasar malam, kak ifah 'titip' lauk nk bwak g Puchong japg. Yeay, pasar malam! Blh beli air durian belande 2!!! Hey Muffin, I know u will read this. :D Love you hunn!~

Thursday, May 06, 2010

A Wake-Up Text. :)

Surprise, surprise!~ At 6.13am hari ni, guess who texted me? Yes3, Mr Muffin!!!~

What a gud surprise, eyh? Hahaha. I got a wake up text!!! Sumpah mcm hepy gler! It really made my day. It was nice to know that he too miss me like I did. And it was great to know that once in a while he too, think of me like I did. Waaahhhhh, bestnye! Sweet seyh die. Thanks Muffin, u really made my day. :D

Tp I have this thought that runs in my mind since yesterday. Since that time yg Phat shoots the question. Die ckap, "Does Zul knows u were like this? That u were crazy abt him?" And I cant give her the right answer. Speechless trus aku, x reti nk jwap cmne. So aku ckap jela, "Die tau...kot." Haha random! Tp ntah la wei, mcm ye mcm x. Rsenye die xtau kot. Xpela I guess, ade ade xde xpe.

Then, why is that when I met mummy Phat n her BFF semalam they were like, 'yes2, Kimi needs someone like u', 'let's see what's Kimi will do next'. Haha, stuff like that. N then Phat's mum tell me when I salam her, 'I dont mind who Kimi chooses, I'm fine with his choice.' N then she gave me a warm hug. Adehhh, xkan la dorg get the wrong idea abt me and Kimi. I mean, abang is a nice person, very charming indeed. Tp xkan la kot. For heaven's sake, he's my bestfriend older brother kot! Xkn la. Abang Phat mcm abg aku gak la kn? So ye r.

Gler la, they got all the wrong idea. Btw, bile laaaa the exact date nk trun JB lg ni ea...Rindu ni!

Tenggelam Lagi.

Kepala otak yg td dh agak clear tbe2 jd serabut balik. 2la aku, bodoh sengal bebal! Spe suh g stalk page org lain. Kan dh rse left out lg~ Bt mistake lg ko belle, over n over again. Please la, grow up.

Jeles seyh tgk didie ngan gf die. They were sooo lovey dovey mushy mushy. Aku, far from that. Haaaa, nk jgak mcm 2!~ Jeles3. Hmmm, wish them the best la. Kawin la cpat2, mesti cute je dorg.

Haaaa, malasnye la haih nk pham Typo 2. At times kn mcm xsure la abt everything. Tp x mcm selfish ke kalau pkir mcm ni? Mcm la jgak kn, tp hey. I got this thing call 'feeling' too!~ Owh, fragile nye aku. Lau org lain tau this is how fragile I am, mampuih la...Hahaha

Waaaa, lg depressed ble comment2 ngan lemon c didie ni. She's free to express like almost everything. She's free to show the world abt her feeling!~ Jelesnye ngan Lemon! Best la die...Well I cant do that since I've promised Typo 2 yg I'll follow his rhythm. Xnk huha huha. Simple n x kecoh. Relax n slamber. Mcm org kawin yg dh ade ank yg x kisah psal each other, die ckap. Weird.

솔마, die ade other 여자 친구 kot? God, pleaseeee nooo~ Haha, negative nye aku. Owh well, MU katenye...Mutual Understanding la! Let's see how long sabar aku nk tahan ni. Adehhh sebab bnde ni pn aku nk kecoh. Pe daaa~

Now lets hope didie x amik port sal blog aku n bce sume isi2 perut die. Segan seyh!~ Nak2 pas2 die habaq kt Typo lak kn. Doomed la aku...

Hari Ini dan Semalam.

Hari ini dan semalam. Penat tp seronok. Adehhh, ayat poyo...Xpe2 skali skala kuar ayat skema. Semalam n hari ini mmg best, i had like, so much funnnn. But i miss my mr typo so damn much, I just cant say it out loud. Loser me. :( I tried, not to think abt it but it came across my mind like, all the time. Betapa pndainye aku berlakon! I am sooo gonna be a great psychologist~~~

Well, semalam. The girls dh habis their last paper for final, so we went out to celebrate the sooo called freedomness. So I pick Phat up dkat college and when the girls saw me, they screamed like crazeeeyyy. Owh well, hotness runs in the vein babeyh! Haha, they said I look good...Boy, I bet I am!~ The reason is simple; coz the BF texted me the night before. See how a simple thing can make a simple ME happy? Hahaha, btw back to the story.

So Phat, Mia n Diba ikt kete aku. Owh yes, the twin gave me a white rose! Sweet kn mereka? Then ktorg g phat's house sbb die nk tkar outfit. Pastu straight g Curve, parked the car n sedar2 je dh depan redbox...Haha, KARAOKE!!! It's like my fave passtime activities, though i'm not good at singing. But who cares btw? Haha...Nyanyi2 smpai sorethroat, dr lagu omputih smpai ke lagu dangdut...sume aku nyanyi, sapu habis. N guess what, aku sempat nyanyi Closer by Travis!!! Dpat la kureng ckit rindu kn. Haha, lagu tersebut. -Lagu Zulhilmi- Tp x bpe nk hilang pn rndu 2, lg byk ade la. Pas2 tbe ade msj. It's him, it's him!!! Mcm tau2 je kn? haha, he was sooo nice to ask how my day is going.

Dah puas karok, kami pegi cineleisure lak. Plan 2 nk ajak the girls ni main pool, sbb dh 2 weeks x main dowh! Sumpah sangap. Tp otw nk g tmpat pool 2, tbe2 ade this chinese guy came to me n bg 4 free tickets utk tgk Iron Man! Boy, arent we lucky or not. That guy nmpak in a hurry mcm 2, or maybe he pissed off sbb friends die xdpat join the movie? Kot la. Time mse 2 was around 3.30pm n the movie starts at 4.15pm. So while waiting, ape lg pool la! Selalunye lau aku ngan phat main, less than 20minutes dh habis 1game tp since the girls bru nk blajar, so kne la sifu @ Phat ni ajar dorg...Well2, what do u expect? I won the game, mcm bese la. Though main cm cibai. Haha, 4.15pm. Off to the movies. I was excited at first, tp lme2 cm boring je cte 2. N most of us tetdo in the theatre hall all along the movie. Aku pn smpat gak la tdo jap. But my owh my, ROBERT DOWNEY JR is smokin' baby!!! He's HOTTTT!~ Dh tua but still, sumpah aku xcrik lain lau dpat die dowh! hahahaha

then lpas hbis movie, fetch mama from work n straight home. Otw 2, I texted my dear bf 2 n I told him that my knee cm sakit je. He asked a thing or two, but seriously aku mmg x ingt what happened smpai lebam kepale lutut ni ha. N then he mcm bingit kt aku. Eh, seriously dude? Xtau la, asal ea cmtu? Ade dua possibilities, either die sgt risau sbb aku clumsy sgt or die fedup sbb aku ckap psal small things mcm 2? Ok, i'll try to be positive so I pick the first possibility. but u know what, sepanjang hdup ni, aku mcm dh penat asyik amik berat sal org lain. So by telling him, I thought I can lean on him, hoping that he'll amik berat psal aku plak. Tp lain jd. See Nabila Majnin, that's what happened bile ko letak hope tinggi sgt. You tend to be dissaponted. But I cant help that, it's only natural. He's my BOYFRIEND btw, hrap die sorg je la. Owh well, c'est la vie! Sampai2 umah je trus tdo smpai kul 11++pm. Gler, tlepas maghrib aku. I tried call him but as expected, he didn't pick up. Angin senggugut Mr BF ni dtg lg kot.

Hari ini. Hehehe. Pagi2 lg g umah Phat, mcm bese belikn die nsik lemak. Belikn skali utk Kimi n his friend, though they're still sleeping when I was there. This n that. Dh setel everything, we heading ke KL. G BB jmpe mummy phat jap, amik dt then nk g register for IELTS ingt. Tp mse jmpe mummy phat, her mom's bff de skali. So we borak2 gelak2 together, it was fun. Then mse dh nk blah 2, mummy phat say something yg bt aku rse sgt APPRECIATED ni~ Thanks belle, sbb slalu jge Phat n Kimi. N please do keep on taking care of them.~ Hahaha, sweet~~~

Dh setel register IELTS pas2 ktorg g Ampang mkan korean food. Kebolehan aku berkomunikasi in Korean mmg x dinafikan lg, tp still kne byk kn practice!!! I felt sooo left out!!! Mmg kenyang mkan bi bimbap 2, feel like a korean la jap! haha, mkan 2 phat payung sbb poket aku ngah x ramai...gaji xmasuk lg, hehehe. then pas2 home sweet home! Owh yes, Phat lend me her usb thingy so that i can play my songlist thru pendrive 2 since my-supposed-to-be-usb tu ade kt d'shire villa lg. Hahaha so all the way home mcm gler la aku nyanyi jerit2 sorg2. Lantak la org tgk ke pa, bukan dorg dgr pn sumbang ke x. Yg penting self satisfaction! Owh yeah!!!

Home, then mandi trus. then online. N blogging! ntah la asal skrg cm rajin je update blog, aku rse cm btanggungjawab la plak. Ye r, dh bt blog ni mengandung ngan post2 aku kn, xkn xjenguk lak...hehehehe

Mengantuk la tp rse cm awal lg...Hmmm, Mr Typo 2 dh bpe hari x call. Rindu la wei, tp xnk aku gtau die. Nmpak mcm desperate je. Truk nye la kn? Blh plak rse cmtu, padahal BF sndiri 2. Tp yela, aku tau malu gak kot. I know when I'm needed, when I'm not. I know when I'm wanted, when I'm not. I'm big enough to sense when my presence is appreciated or not. So yeah. The girls sume mcm, u should crik lain...u baik sgt, so u dont deserve to be treated this way...this n that u know. Tp please la, Zul 2 mcm the perfect guy for me. I found my Mr Right, xkn aku nk walk away when this small ((big sbnrnye)) thing happened, u see? I sooo don't do cheating, n I'll definitely wont give up this relationship dulu. I takut karma la, what goes around comes around.

Adoyai, ckap psal ni smpai blog ni mengandung ank ke 8juta pn xhabis2. Gler, dh r nk benti r. Nk smbung tgk cte korea 2. N hopefully, that Mr Muffin TERingat balik that I actually exist n then give me a warm nice call. Just like old times.


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Ade ade, xde xpe!

ble la agaknye nk siapkn entry 4/4 tu ea...nanti2 la kot, sbb entry 2 die special harussss la panjang bjela2 kn...hehe

pheww, finally!~ final exam dh over, lega syial...utk kesekian kalinye, study last minit really do helps, for me...funny, but i think our World Religions' lecturer, Mr Ilyas 2 is kinda cute...he's somehow unique in his owh way...gosh silly me!~

so yeah, 2moro or to be exact, today sbb skrg pn dh kul 2.24am kn...we're going to have a party!!! not literally a party, but yup2 we're soooo going to have a blast 2moro/2day...

i wanna watch iron man 2 2moro tp xtau la if the girls nk g tgk movie coz i heard dorg nk g karok...o.0, gerek gak 2! ckap sal iron man pnye movie, ntah die ingt ke x, encik zulhilmi de ajak nk g tgk movie 2 sme2 then last friday tbe2 ckap nk g tgk ngan didie lak...((no offense didie, lau ko bce ni...hehe))...i was like, the fuck?! Rsenye the other day 2 die sje je ajak sbb i was pissed off ngan die. so die nk cool things off, he just shoots the question and asked me. He doesn't really meant it when he asked me kot, thats y die mcm bt dek je kn...Coz u see, people tend to forget things they said n done when they really dont mean it. Mau x sentap aku...but oh well...a MAN is a MAN afterall! sabar bpe lme ea nk than sabar ni...aku pn bukannye angelic sgt...tkut slalu sgt cmni, tbe2 aku give up. x ke fucked up sume t??? Help me la God, bg la aku kesabaran yg banyaakkkkk sgt2 so that i patience even more? haha~

Phat ckap i was being too nice to him, u know...all goodie2 harusss la kn, dh nme pn my bf. tp baik sgt pn kang die boring ngan zul ni ntah lerr, japg kang lau aku bingit sokmo ngan die lg la die fedup kn? adehhh xtau la den pn jang oi...wait n see jela, biar time takes control...ade ade, xde xpe remember? haha

gler ngantok dh aku ni, tp nk tgk cte korea ni ha jap...lme dh ttangguh nk tgk...blah dlu la...selamat tinggal wahai blogku!~ take care ea!~ hahaha sengal tul ckap ngan blog sndiri...sumpah bongok! ^.^

4/4 : My New Him

Haa...tibe la saat yg dtunggu2...this is it! the ULTIMATE entry!!!~ lol

So seperti tajuk post ni, My New Him; aku akn meluahkn la perasaan diriku yg terpendam sal my new him ni...adehhh, geli gler ayat aku...skema bru ckit ni, japg lg berlambak ayat skema aku kuarkn! Hahaha

Okay kite mulakn sebuah cte cinta ini dr awal k...~
Trafalgar Law n I met on FB. Lgsg xkenal each other ni, ntah cmne leh jdik friends. N even our mutual friends pn aku xkenal dowh. So mse ngah krisis2 ngan the ex-bf 2, tuk hilgkn stress sbb de quiz lak esoknye 2, aku pn menjadikn diriku ini 'online' kt chatbox FB 2...slalu mmg jrg bukak pn mende 2 sbb malas nk layan org. Ramai sgt ler nk chat2 ni, maleh aku nk layan. Ngah chat2 ngan Sherine tnye sal quiz sok, tbe2 de mamat ni say hello kn. Aku cm spe la die kn? Sumpah xkenal, tp ntah asal la tbe2 tgn ni terajin lak nk main chat ngan die. So layan la, smbil2 2 tgk profile die. Owh, org JB rpenye. Johorian la plak kn. He was fun! I had like, sooo much fun mse chat ngan die 2 sbb gelak je sokmo. Tp ktorg mmg xkenal each other. Tp ckap cm dh lme gler kenal ni. Mule2 2 cm bese la, taiko ckit. so gne aku kau, aku kau je. Haha. Dr chat kt FB pindah plak ke YM. Haha mule2 cik abg ni xnk aku add die kt YM sbb die jrg bukak, ktenye. Tp last2 chat gak kt ym 2...Hahahahaha. Then when I broke up with my ex bf, he was there for me. You know, cheer me up with his jokes n stuff. And that was sweet enough.

Tukar2 fon number. Well actually aku yg bg dlu sbb die lembab sgt. Nk mintak ckap jela nk kn, ni pnjg2 lak songeh nye. Hahaha. But then he texted me first, mse ngah dinner kolej lme ritu. Then the ym thingy goes on...The calling part started to change a bit. He called me 'Jellybeans', occasionally. And that was because he said that I'm as colourful as a jellybeans. Hahaha, random but he got me at that. I called him 'Typo' of coz, sbb die ni typo sokmo mse ngah chat 2. Tp cik abg ni xbkenan plak, so last2 crik2 nick name 2, tbe2 trase nk pnggil die 'Muffin'. So Muffin it is la. Cute je kn? Then after a day or two broke up ngan arip, I went to JB ikut Phat. Sambil menyelam 2 minum air la...Haha, cuti2 Msia + jmpe Muffin ni la.

So yeah, story pnjg jd pendek, 2nd night tu we went out together. For the first time. He picked me up kt umah phat, and sumpah aku cuak + segan sgt2 mse 2. Xnk tgk lgsg muke die. Tp ade la jeling2 ckit kn. Hahaha, not bad. Not bad afterall. owh yes, I got him a mug. Yg ade gmbar Mr Bean. Hehehe. Tp segan sgt3. Segan glerrrr!!! Tp die cm slamber je kn, so lme2 aku pn relax jela. So the first date was great, we laughed like, A LOT! Then Wan n Shax join. Double triple the fun. Hahaha mmg best. Sempoi gler. Owh yes, de satu bnde yg aku xleh lpe smpai skrg ni. 'Thistle' jd 'Sithel'. hahaha, korg ni!~

Mse kt JB 2, we went out like a lot. And guess what, kami tgk bola sme2!!! Akhirnye tcapai gak hajat aku nk kuar tgk bola ngan bf. Hehehe, tp mse 2 lum lg la kn. Mse 2 Chelsea main, pas2 MU plak. Tp MU bodoh, main mcm cibai. Bt malu je. Haih~ Those time in JB was fun. It was great.

Pas2 dh blik KL, the texting goes on. Ym pn sme. Pas2 tbe2 je sedar xsedar, I'm his GF! Hahaha, die mmg xde proposed ke pape ke. Just there's one time he declared himself as my bf, so yes that's where it all begun. Then the status kt FB pn dh btukar. N trust me, everybody mcm tekejut je. Yela, xsampai seminggu broke up, dh de bf bru! Rse mcm cheap pn ade, Tp for me Mr Zulhilmi ni mcm very hard to resist. The force is too strong. Jodoh ke ea? InsyaAllah. :) Sume org was like, he's just a rebound guy. Trust me, I heard it for like thousands of time. Aku pn mule2 mcm, yes he is just a rebound guy. But then the feeling change. It became serious. That's when i realize he was NOT my rebound at all. He's just meant to be.

Phat pn ckap Typo sgt ok, much2 better than the ex bf. I couldn't agree no more. Since arip left and Muffin dtg, my life mcm sng gler. Everything are very smooth. Having him in my life is like lifting half the weight i had on my shoulder. Lucky gler kn aku? Sbb die mcm almost perfect. He's what i've been looking for all this time. Mmg Lucky sgt. Die sgt simple, kdg2 telebih simple.

And he has his own opinion, his own thoughts. Sungguh berbeza. Matang, n wise. Dan yg paling penting, I can be my real self ble dgn die. X payah nk sorok pape, x payah nk tipu2. I can talk to him about almost anything. And most of all, he always laughs at my jokes. So far. Hahaha. Mmg best. life is easier, with him around.

Since he got his own style n rhythm, aku kne try la ikt rentak die. Biar pn kadang2 de gak la bengang jap. Since he is so different, kadang2 aku xpham. Kadang2 x reti nk bt ape. Coz he's like, so different. There's one time, he didnt call me for 2 days n boy, i was pissed! Then ble die finally call, die kte de family problem. Whatever u say la Muff. Mmg sbnrnye aku xpcy, tp maybe btul la 2. Allah je yg tau. Tp ye pn de family problem, xkn la xleh gtau aku kn? Xsemua pn xpe, juz gtau ko ade problem n xleh nk call for 2 days ckup la. Ape gne aku gf die lau die xleh share kn? *Which he did tell me later, haha*

Nanti la continue tulis lg, pnjang bebenau dh ni ha...kang x larat lak aku pnye BIGGEST FAN 2 nk bce.Yes, u know who u are Mr Typo! You stalker!~ Haha

3/4 : JB Trip

I was supposed to post this entry like, a month ago...haha, tp bese la malasss...

Ok so yeah, a day or two after the massive break-up, i went to jb ikut sebenarnye besides alasan nk ikt phat 2 de nk jmpe someone...hahaha gatal siakkk!~

So we went to jb by bus, sumpah sakit pnggang...adehhhh, tp xpe pengalaman...hehe then smpai jb around 1am cmtu...ktorg kne jalan kaki g amik kete mummy phat kt ofis then bwak kete 2 g blik umah coz her mom out-station...xde kt yeah.

Malas la nk cte pnjang2 sbb most of the details pn aku dh r, dh sebulan lebih kot...hehe but still there were memories yg unforgettable. Dataran, McD, Kedai Mamak 2...adehhh, ingt sume ni pn dh ckup bdebar2 dh...hehehe gler byg aku ni~

Pape pn thanks sgt2 to Phat, My sweet muffin, Wan, Sharx n Syooc! Malas nk cte byk2 sbb aku nk preserved the memories baik2 dlam kepala otak aku yg bkarat ni...LOL~