Tuesday, May 04, 2010

4/4 : My New Him

Haa...tibe la saat yg dtunggu2...this is it! the ULTIMATE entry!!!~ lol

So seperti tajuk post ni, My New Him; aku akn meluahkn la perasaan diriku yg terpendam sal my new him ni...adehhh, geli gler ayat aku...skema je...ni bru ckit ni, japg lg berlambak ayat skema aku kuarkn! Hahaha

Okay kite mulakn sebuah cte cinta ini dr awal k...~
Trafalgar Law n I met on FB. Lgsg xkenal each other ni, ntah cmne leh jdik friends. N even our mutual friends pn aku xkenal dowh. So mse ngah krisis2 ngan the ex-bf 2, tuk hilgkn stress sbb de quiz lak esoknye 2, aku pn menjadikn diriku ini 'online' kt chatbox FB 2...slalu mmg jrg bukak pn mende 2 sbb malas nk layan org. Ramai sgt ler nk chat2 ni, maleh aku nk layan. Ngah chat2 ngan Sherine tnye sal quiz sok, tbe2 de mamat ni say hello kn. Aku cm spe la die kn? Sumpah xkenal, tp ntah asal la tbe2 tgn ni terajin lak nk main chat ngan die. So layan la, smbil2 2 tgk profile die. Owh, org JB rpenye. Johorian la plak kn. He was fun! I had like, sooo much fun mse chat ngan die 2 sbb gelak je sokmo. Tp ktorg mmg xkenal each other. Tp ckap cm dh lme gler kenal ni. Mule2 2 cm bese la, taiko ckit. so gne aku kau, aku kau je. Haha. Dr chat kt FB pindah plak ke YM. Haha mule2 cik abg ni xnk aku add die kt YM sbb die jrg bukak, ktenye. Tp last2 chat gak kt ym 2...Hahahahaha. Then when I broke up with my ex bf, he was there for me. You know, cheer me up with his jokes n stuff. And that was sweet enough.

Tukar2 fon number. Well actually aku yg bg dlu sbb die lembab sgt. Nk mintak ckap jela nk kn, ni pnjg2 lak songeh nye. Hahaha. But then he texted me first, mse ngah dinner kolej lme ritu. Then the ym thingy goes on...The calling part started to change a bit. He called me 'Jellybeans', occasionally. And that was because he said that I'm as colourful as a jellybeans. Hahaha, random but he got me at that. I called him 'Typo' of coz, sbb die ni typo sokmo mse ngah chat 2. Tp cik abg ni xbkenan plak, so last2 crik2 nick name 2, tbe2 trase nk pnggil die 'Muffin'. So Muffin it is la. Cute je kn? Then after a day or two broke up ngan arip, I went to JB ikut Phat. Sambil menyelam 2 minum air la...Haha, cuti2 Msia + jmpe Muffin ni la.

So yeah, story pnjg jd pendek, 2nd night tu we went out together. For the first time. He picked me up kt umah phat, and sumpah aku cuak + segan sgt2 mse 2. Xnk tgk lgsg muke die. Tp ade la jeling2 ckit kn. Hahaha, not bad. Not bad afterall. owh yes, I got him a mug. Yg ade gmbar Mr Bean. Hehehe. Tp segan sgt3. Segan glerrrr!!! Tp die cm slamber je kn, so lme2 aku pn relax jela. So the first date was great, we laughed like, A LOT! Then Wan n Shax join. Double triple the fun. Hahaha mmg best. Sempoi gler. Owh yes, de satu bnde yg aku xleh lpe smpai skrg ni. 'Thistle' jd 'Sithel'. hahaha, korg ni!~

Mse kt JB 2, we went out like a lot. And guess what, kami tgk bola sme2!!! Akhirnye tcapai gak hajat aku nk kuar tgk bola ngan bf. Hehehe, tp mse 2 lum lg la kn. Mse 2 Chelsea main, pas2 MU plak. Tp MU bodoh, main mcm cibai. Bt malu je. Haih~ Those time in JB was fun. It was great.

Pas2 dh blik KL, the texting goes on. Ym pn sme. Pas2 tbe2 je sedar xsedar, I'm his GF! Hahaha, die mmg xde proposed ke pape ke. Just there's one time he declared himself as my bf, so yes that's where it all begun. Then the status kt FB pn dh btukar. N trust me, everybody mcm tekejut je. Yela, xsampai seminggu broke up, dh de bf bru! Rse mcm cheap pn ade, Tp for me Mr Zulhilmi ni mcm very hard to resist. The force is too strong. Jodoh ke ea? InsyaAllah. :) Sume org was like, he's just a rebound guy. Trust me, I heard it for like thousands of time. Aku pn mule2 mcm, yes he is just a rebound guy. But then the feeling change. It became serious. That's when i realize he was NOT my rebound at all. He's just meant to be.

Phat pn ckap Typo sgt ok, much2 better than the ex bf. I couldn't agree no more. Since arip left and Muffin dtg, my life mcm sng gler. Everything are very smooth. Having him in my life is like lifting half the weight i had on my shoulder. Lucky gler kn aku? Sbb die mcm almost perfect. He's what i've been looking for all this time. Mmg Lucky sgt. Die sgt simple, kdg2 telebih simple.

And he has his own opinion, his own thoughts. Sungguh berbeza. Matang, n wise. Dan yg paling penting, I can be my real self ble dgn die. X payah nk sorok pape, x payah nk tipu2. I can talk to him about almost anything. And most of all, he always laughs at my jokes. So far. Hahaha. Mmg best. life is easier, with him around.

Since he got his own style n rhythm, aku kne try la ikt rentak die. Biar pn kadang2 de gak la bengang jap. Since he is so different, kadang2 aku xpham. Kadang2 x reti nk bt ape. Coz he's like, so different. There's one time, he didnt call me for 2 days n boy, i was pissed! Then ble die finally call, die kte de family problem. Whatever u say la Muff. Mmg sbnrnye aku xpcy, tp maybe btul la 2. Allah je yg tau. Tp ye pn de family problem, xkn la xleh gtau aku kn? Xsemua pn xpe, juz gtau ko ade problem n xleh nk call for 2 days ckup la. Ape gne aku gf die lau die xleh share kn? *Which he did tell me later, haha*

Nanti la continue tulis lg, pnjang bebenau dh ni ha...kang x larat lak aku pnye BIGGEST FAN 2 nk bce.Yes, u know who u are Mr Typo! You stalker!~ Haha


dasheryx said...

semua tak brani komen ni. dgn banggannya.. AKU komen dulu. hahaha..... tp. aku senyum je baca cita belle ni :):) datang jb x complete lagi kalo x jmpe aku. hahahaha. MR Typo tu zul rupanya. hahahaha.. mmg lawak la korang. lawak2 sweet plak tu. 1 aku nak bg pndapat :D maybe pndapat la :S jgn senang2 kita nak describe orang. maybe tak semua yg kita describe tu orang boleh trime :P huhuhu. chill. happy2 weyh. idop skali. muda skali. enjoy kena banyak kali :P

Belle Niirkira said...

mmg ler xde org cmment ngok, sbb xde spe bce pn...haha. Ah ye r, mse aku trun jb ko de plak kn? I just speak my mind, tp ye r mmg x sume blh accept. Btw, ko ckap sal yg mne stu ea?