Thursday, April 29, 2010


Sepatutnye pas post 2/4 tu post 3/4: JB Trip lak kn? tp japg time de mse lebey ckit bru p tulis. La ni, got errands to do. Fetch my sisters from school, g lunch((yeee, xyah msak!)), amik laptop kt umah my uncle, then g Puchong amik kak ifah n damia. my aunt g australia so aku laaaa yg kne temankn dorg kt umah. tp malas lak duk puchong, so aku amik la dorg bwak g umah aku...

Hehe, nk mandi r. nk dkat kul 12 dh kot ni...hahaha, gler lmbat mandi kn? mak mentua tau ni sah2 kne reject! MMMAAAANNNNDDDDIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

2/4 ~ No More Me and You

Time goes by so slowly. n without me realizing 'em, it's been two years since Nabila n Syed Mohd Arif became a pair. Those two years; blood sweat n tears. U name it, sume ade. Pakej lengkap. Ups and downs, mcm roller coaster. And on 24th March 2010, Nabila n Syed Mohd Arif is officially a two-different person. I dumped him. Me. And yes, mmg guilty gler. But hey, I have my own life. Takkan I wanted to spend the rest of my life being stuck in this abusive relationship. Sayang itu ade la jgak, tp PENAT. I'm sooo freaking tired of reminding him of who his gf really is. I'm tired of reminding him what he should n should not do in our relationship. Sume pn nk kne gtau, penat kot! Padahal umur sme je kot. Please la mature la ckit Arip oi!

But u know what, aku giler2 guilty ni. ye r, his family is like soooo damn nice to me n yet i dissapear just like that. No sorrys no thankyous. Mcm jahat pn de rse gak tp tkut kot nk g meet up his mom n his sisters! Satg p jumpe2 kne maki ke kne sepak terajang ke, x ke naya aku? Hahahahaha. N trust me, this is like the TOUGHEST break up ever! Sumpah susah! But ottoehke yo? Mungkin ke Tuhan mmg takdirkn ktorg cmni so that aku akn jmpe someone better, WHICH i met already! Hehehe

N another thing yg bt aku lg guilty 2, is like, not even a week after the break up, I got myself a new bf and I'm like involve in a relationship, like pronto! Just right after the break up u see, pronto gler! And this topic akn d perdebatkn lg d post yg lain.

So yeah, dats it. There's no more me and you. I know that YOU, Syed Mohd Arif, will never heard me say this but; thank you sooo much. 1st, for opening up ur heart for me. 2nd, for all the memories we had together. 3rd, for the love we shared. 4th, for everything. Thanks. N please forgive me, for leaving you just like that. knowing you, you must be looking for me like crazy. n trust me, dat hurts the most. I'm sorry, but i x blh protect this relationship anymore. i'm tired of doing so the whole time. I apologize. i'll pray to God that u will eventually change urself. Jgn bt other girl like what u did to me. control ckit baran 2, jgn ckit2 nk naik tgn je. Susah nk crik pompuan yg sabar ngan baran u 2 like me. Please la g crik keje, crik dt sendiri. jgn le nk mengharap sgt on ur mom. n please la be a better person, i know u can do that. coz i see who u really r inside. You will definitely live longer than I am, so crik la spe2 yg blh jge u lbih baik dr i.

I wish you the best in life, Syed Mohd Arif. Wassalam.

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Hari Ini 1/4 ~ Intro

I know, I know I havent write for quite some time~ alaaa, bkan de peminat pn kn...syok sndiri je...hahaha! ok since lme xtulis blog yg dh berhabuk ni, ape kte aku tulis skali 3 posts? hahaha amik ko! ~ tp msuk yg ni 4 posts la kn, tp cm xkire je sbb die introduction je kot kn? whatever la. so InsyaAllah lau aku RAJIN nk hbiskn mlam ni, post2 seterusnya akn tbahagi kepada 3 bahagian--->

1) 2/4 ~ No more Me and You.

2) 3/4 ~ JB Trip

3) 4/4 ~ My New 'Him'

Baiklah dgn tanpa segan silu lg marilah kte sme2 merenung kembali kejadian2 yg tlah blaku spnjg aku xbkak blog ni. tp sebenarnye aku cm malas + ngantok. so nmpak gayanye smbung tulis blog time cuti la k?! hahahahha ye sy mmg pemalas! lain kali bru tulis la~