Thursday, May 06, 2010

Hari Ini dan Semalam.

Hari ini dan semalam. Penat tp seronok. Adehhh, ayat poyo...Xpe2 skali skala kuar ayat skema. Semalam n hari ini mmg best, i had like, so much funnnn. But i miss my mr typo so damn much, I just cant say it out loud. Loser me. :( I tried, not to think abt it but it came across my mind like, all the time. Betapa pndainye aku berlakon! I am sooo gonna be a great psychologist~~~

Well, semalam. The girls dh habis their last paper for final, so we went out to celebrate the sooo called freedomness. So I pick Phat up dkat college and when the girls saw me, they screamed like crazeeeyyy. Owh well, hotness runs in the vein babeyh! Haha, they said I look good...Boy, I bet I am!~ The reason is simple; coz the BF texted me the night before. See how a simple thing can make a simple ME happy? Hahaha, btw back to the story.

So Phat, Mia n Diba ikt kete aku. Owh yes, the twin gave me a white rose! Sweet kn mereka? Then ktorg g phat's house sbb die nk tkar outfit. Pastu straight g Curve, parked the car n sedar2 je dh depan redbox...Haha, KARAOKE!!! It's like my fave passtime activities, though i'm not good at singing. But who cares btw? Haha...Nyanyi2 smpai sorethroat, dr lagu omputih smpai ke lagu dangdut...sume aku nyanyi, sapu habis. N guess what, aku sempat nyanyi Closer by Travis!!! Dpat la kureng ckit rindu kn. Haha, lagu tersebut. -Lagu Zulhilmi- Tp x bpe nk hilang pn rndu 2, lg byk ade la. Pas2 tbe ade msj. It's him, it's him!!! Mcm tau2 je kn? haha, he was sooo nice to ask how my day is going.

Dah puas karok, kami pegi cineleisure lak. Plan 2 nk ajak the girls ni main pool, sbb dh 2 weeks x main dowh! Sumpah sangap. Tp otw nk g tmpat pool 2, tbe2 ade this chinese guy came to me n bg 4 free tickets utk tgk Iron Man! Boy, arent we lucky or not. That guy nmpak in a hurry mcm 2, or maybe he pissed off sbb friends die xdpat join the movie? Kot la. Time mse 2 was around 3.30pm n the movie starts at 4.15pm. So while waiting, ape lg pool la! Selalunye lau aku ngan phat main, less than 20minutes dh habis 1game tp since the girls bru nk blajar, so kne la sifu @ Phat ni ajar dorg...Well2, what do u expect? I won the game, mcm bese la. Though main cm cibai. Haha, 4.15pm. Off to the movies. I was excited at first, tp lme2 cm boring je cte 2. N most of us tetdo in the theatre hall all along the movie. Aku pn smpat gak la tdo jap. But my owh my, ROBERT DOWNEY JR is smokin' baby!!! He's HOTTTT!~ Dh tua but still, sumpah aku xcrik lain lau dpat die dowh! hahahaha

then lpas hbis movie, fetch mama from work n straight home. Otw 2, I texted my dear bf 2 n I told him that my knee cm sakit je. He asked a thing or two, but seriously aku mmg x ingt what happened smpai lebam kepale lutut ni ha. N then he mcm bingit kt aku. Eh, seriously dude? Xtau la, asal ea cmtu? Ade dua possibilities, either die sgt risau sbb aku clumsy sgt or die fedup sbb aku ckap psal small things mcm 2? Ok, i'll try to be positive so I pick the first possibility. but u know what, sepanjang hdup ni, aku mcm dh penat asyik amik berat sal org lain. So by telling him, I thought I can lean on him, hoping that he'll amik berat psal aku plak. Tp lain jd. See Nabila Majnin, that's what happened bile ko letak hope tinggi sgt. You tend to be dissaponted. But I cant help that, it's only natural. He's my BOYFRIEND btw, hrap die sorg je la. Owh well, c'est la vie! Sampai2 umah je trus tdo smpai kul 11++pm. Gler, tlepas maghrib aku. I tried call him but as expected, he didn't pick up. Angin senggugut Mr BF ni dtg lg kot.

Hari ini. Hehehe. Pagi2 lg g umah Phat, mcm bese belikn die nsik lemak. Belikn skali utk Kimi n his friend, though they're still sleeping when I was there. This n that. Dh setel everything, we heading ke KL. G BB jmpe mummy phat jap, amik dt then nk g register for IELTS ingt. Tp mse jmpe mummy phat, her mom's bff de skali. So we borak2 gelak2 together, it was fun. Then mse dh nk blah 2, mummy phat say something yg bt aku rse sgt APPRECIATED ni~ Thanks belle, sbb slalu jge Phat n Kimi. N please do keep on taking care of them.~ Hahaha, sweet~~~

Dh setel register IELTS pas2 ktorg g Ampang mkan korean food. Kebolehan aku berkomunikasi in Korean mmg x dinafikan lg, tp still kne byk kn practice!!! I felt sooo left out!!! Mmg kenyang mkan bi bimbap 2, feel like a korean la jap! haha, mkan 2 phat payung sbb poket aku ngah x ramai...gaji xmasuk lg, hehehe. then pas2 home sweet home! Owh yes, Phat lend me her usb thingy so that i can play my songlist thru pendrive 2 since my-supposed-to-be-usb tu ade kt d'shire villa lg. Hahaha so all the way home mcm gler la aku nyanyi jerit2 sorg2. Lantak la org tgk ke pa, bukan dorg dgr pn sumbang ke x. Yg penting self satisfaction! Owh yeah!!!

Home, then mandi trus. then online. N blogging! ntah la asal skrg cm rajin je update blog, aku rse cm btanggungjawab la plak. Ye r, dh bt blog ni mengandung ngan post2 aku kn, xkn xjenguk lak...hehehehe

Mengantuk la tp rse cm awal lg...Hmmm, Mr Typo 2 dh bpe hari x call. Rindu la wei, tp xnk aku gtau die. Nmpak mcm desperate je. Truk nye la kn? Blh plak rse cmtu, padahal BF sndiri 2. Tp yela, aku tau malu gak kot. I know when I'm needed, when I'm not. I know when I'm wanted, when I'm not. I'm big enough to sense when my presence is appreciated or not. So yeah. The girls sume mcm, u should crik lain...u baik sgt, so u dont deserve to be treated this way...this n that u know. Tp please la, Zul 2 mcm the perfect guy for me. I found my Mr Right, xkn aku nk walk away when this small ((big sbnrnye)) thing happened, u see? I sooo don't do cheating, n I'll definitely wont give up this relationship dulu. I takut karma la, what goes around comes around.

Adoyai, ckap psal ni smpai blog ni mengandung ank ke 8juta pn xhabis2. Gler, dh r nk benti r. Nk smbung tgk cte korea 2. N hopefully, that Mr Muffin TERingat balik that I actually exist n then give me a warm nice call. Just like old times.


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