Gler cepat masa berlalu...sedar2 dh seminggu x post pape kt blog. Last post published was on June 7th 2010. Miss me huh, bloggie? Awww, i miss you too...
Lagenda Budak Setan
Somewhere around last week or last two weeks Phat n I went for a movie. Cte melayu. Yes, yesss...mmg agak mengejutkan tp itulah die. The truth, ktorg tgk wayang cte melayuuuuu!~ Cte 'Lagenda Budak Setan.' Owh well, worth a watch la jgak since cte 2 mmg menarik. Tp yg bt xbest 2 ialah BM yg dorg gne dlam movie. Punya skema sial!!! Sumpah sgt la bersifat kemelayuan, tp xkisah la 2. And for the first time, i have to admit la yg Farid Kamil 2 cute la jugak. If only there's a guy yg mcm Akashah 2. Perghh, bahagia hidup aku. But as the movie's going, tbe2 ade part yg reminds me of the past relationship. Yes, you guess it right. The 'pukul2 blasah2' thingy. That is exactly how I kena dgn Arif dlu. But owh well, mse 2 kn konon 'cinta mati' so kena teruk2 pn I was like, ok je xpe. Bodoh pnye perempuan! Bile tgk org lain kne blasah mcm 2 bru la perasan yg sebenarnya bnde 2 adalah bnde yg sgt dahsyat! Hmmm, manusia. Dah terhantuk bru nk terngadah.
there's a reason why she is one of the sub-topics. Sebabnye ialah sy sudah semakin kurg suka dgn die ni. Haih. Girl, I know u r still young. bru 18 tp please please please grow up! Please la be a little more concern n responsible. Xkan la every single time nk class people have to tell you where n when, quizzes where n when. I mean, rather than FB-ing semata2 ape kte ko online la check pape info pasal next class. N the quizzes, ape gne la Mr Ilyas bg the schedule outlines kalau xblh nk refer anything kt ctu?! Heee, geram!!!~ What, ko nk org pity ko since u have to repeat last term pnye subject? Hey, it's ur fault that u failed bcoz u dont work hard enough. It's ur assignments tp asal Phat yg kne finalized smpai pkul 4am? Where are ur sense man?! Tau la ank Datuk, tp tlg la!!! Skrg ni ialah college, bukan high school lg. Sume bnde kne setel sndiri, kne independent. It's a man eat man world skrg, xde mse la nk play all goody2 girl. Haih, how i wish i can tell u this out loud!!! @_@
Balik Kampung
Hmmm,the family all balik kg except me. Xde la terkilan sgt sbb xdapat ikut, tp terkilan sbb x dapat ikut g shopping skali!!! Tp xpe, byk souvenirs utk sy!!! And and and, aku dapat handbag bru...Not really my taste, but hey! It's handbag dude. And the sisters got me this very cute hair thingy, its for cucuk ur hair kinda thing. Sanggul ke hape ntah. N ble sampai umah td, punggah2 brg dorg. Punye la byk bnde2 yg dorg beli kt pekan rabu. Ade bubur chacha lg 2, yes3! Sy suke mkan 2, weekend ni blh bt!!!
This coming Friday
Friday ni we're going to have dinner dgn Pak Lang's family, nk celebrate mama's belated bday katenye...Thanks to me, the venue is 'FLAMING'!!!!!! Yeay, dh la reasonable pas2 blh amik balik2 lak 2. Yg penting ice-cream die ade mint flavour! Yeay lg!~ Hahahahaha. Tapiiiiii...ala, mati kutu dowh aku kalau nk mingle dgn dorg 2. Sumpah xreti. Sefriendly2 sy ni pn, dgn dorg ttp xleh masuk kepala. Adehhh, xpe2 kite concentrate makan je nnti...Hehehe
Last Weekend
Since my family blik kg, n Ayan pn fly to Brisbane. Which means I have the house allll to myself, I decided to go to JB. Yeap, so I went. Nothing much. This and that. Tp roti tampal kt JB mmg best, much2 better than KL. Hahaha.
As usual: Insensitive. Ridiculous. Selfish. Amateur. Too Laid-back.
As expected: Dissatisfied. Broken-hearted. Self-centered bitch. Perfectionist.
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