Saturday, November 29, 2008

she cries...

good God! for heaven's sake! my sister is crying hysterically over a stupid novel, n trust me, dats annoying...

tp nk wat cmne, dh storyline novel tu sedih nk, aku pn dlu mcm die gak. mcm org bodoh nangis sebab bce novel...

but dat was me back dat time, i'm still not very mature n fikiran pn xbyk terbeban, so i always feel dat dis life should be full with happiness. but then bile dh lalui byk experiences, both gud n bad, reading a sad novel is like reading a newspaper...nothing special feeling connected...kdg2 tu je la ade nangis setitik dua bile jln cite die ade sme ngan hidup aku...<but still, u cant call dat crying!>...

i have dis feeling dat life is unfair to me...yela, juz imagine. when i thought i will be happy for the rest of my life, gembira tu jap je when it got snatched by a very simple reason...why can everyone be happy except me? i'm still searching for the answer...xkisah la, sbb slalunya mmg akan ade hikmah behind sume bnde yg jd, i hold on to dat~~~

before, i used to write my blog in my fs, but since byk relatives aku yg ade fs gak, n what if they happened to come across my blog? no way, sbb almost sume bnde yg jd kt aku, aku tulis kt ctu. so, i cant imagine myself sitting in a room together with my relatives, discussing nothing other than my private life. dats a big NO WAY! i still got a lot to say, sbb once dh tulis, byk sgt cite yg berebut2 nk kluar dr pale otak dh la dlu, since i still quite a long way to go...



i've been a blogger since 2006 n only have a post! can u believe it?! yeah, neither can i...

so, the story is, i came across a friend of mine blog, when i suddenly realize 'hey, i have a blog 2'...unfortunately, i've forgotten both the password n my account name which i claimed then...

n about the friend's blog, before dis i always have this stupid thought about him, u know, this stupid perspective u made when u really dun know dis person...i thought he was a bit ruthless, snobbish, etc., but then i read his blog n realize he's not dat happened dat i dunno him well which made me gave him dat kind of thought...sorry shax...

still, i still think it's his fault for not showing his true self...what can i say, me n my alter ego...

so, the main point is, dun judge a book but its cover...<though sometimes u really have to!>
